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This page shows all aircraft I once logged and which I labeled as Ilyushin Il.18. When a bigger picture is available, shown by , click the image.

  OK-PAIIlyushin Il.18Vc/n: 181003105History: OK-PAI,PRE Sinsheim
Spotted: Museum (D) Sinsheim 20220804
OK-PAI at Museum (D) Sinsheim 20220804 | Ilyushin Il.18V
Picture at: Museum (D) Sinsheim 20220804
YR-IMAIlyushin Il.18c/n: 181003602Spotted: EHRD 19760728
Picture at: EHRD 19760728
DDR-STHIlyushin Il.18Dc/n: 184007305History: CCCP-75548,DM-STH,DDR-STH (converted Il18V > Il18D, when ?)
Spotted: Hermeskeil 20020722
Picture at: Hermeskeil 20020722
YR-IMHIlyushin Il.18c/n: 185008301Spotted: EGKK 19780912
DM-STKIlyushin Il.18c/n: 186009202History:  
Spotted: EHRD 19740508,
LZ-BEOIlyushin Il.18Dc/n: 186009602History: CCCP-75438,LZ-BEO
Spotted: EHRD(1) 19800323, EHRD(2) 19800323
Picture at: EHRD(1) 19800323